Schools Infant Pencils

New Student Enrollment Open​ 2025/2026, VISIT US!


Lápices General Avilés

Av. General Avilés, 54 – 46015 Valencia

Phone: 963 479 756 Whatsapp: 683 441 520

Lápices Vicente Branchat

c./ Vicente Branchat, 5 – 46018 Valencia

Phone: 963 705 101 Whatsapp: 630 081 476

Lápices Gran Via

Gran Via Fernando el Católico 76 – 46008 Valencia

Phone y WhatsApp 608 241 771

Lápices Rio Nervión

C./ Rio Nervión, 21 – 46025 Valencia
Phone: 963 384 408 Whatsapp: 683 441 520

Opening hours

Monday to Friday

9:00h to 17:00h

683 441 520

Work with us

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Neokids English Club

Learn English With The Best!

We are starting the new school year with the best teachers in Valencia at Neokids.

Enroll your child before places run out!

Matrícula 2025-2026

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